I am super excited and a bit nervous about this blogging journey. Nervous because I hope that the message gets across with clarity. Faithful Beauty is extremely dear to me. The message Faithful Beauty is here to empower each and every Beautiful woman in this world. Yes I am talking about you Beauty!

In all honesty, the point of this blog is to build a judgment free community. To not only bring together the women who desire to “See The Beauty In (Bee)ing You,” but also those who have gained some overstanding of that process and what it means.

As the blog post roll out, we will laugh together, cry together, learn together, be vulnerable and heal together.

Disclaimer: If you are looking for the fully healed, this is not that. I am. too, still healing some deeply rooted traumas. Majority of us are. Just know that you do not have to be fully healed to be whole. I will definitely be sharing parts of my journey with you. I am grateful to be able to say that I have healed to the point where I am excited about doing the work and healing some more. If you have not gotten there, just know that you can and will! It is how we learn to view the process that makes all the difference.

We encourage you to share your thoughts below.

Where are you at in your healing journey? What topics would you love to see discussed? Anything you are able to relate to?


How did we get here?